The action comes after the enema for 20-30 minutes. Dry poultice prepared from several layers of sterile gauze and layer of cotton wool, which is fixed with a bandage, is used to protect the injury (bruise, wound) of cooling and contamination. Children ADR used for the same reasons as adults. All three layers is fixed with a bandage tightly enough, but so as not to disrupt the normal circulation. Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase folk medicine, used to compress the leaves of burdock, plantain, cabbage, buttercup. As a result of local and reflex action of heat comes a rush of executive development reduces pain sensitivity. Under his exposure is a rush executive development blood, causing an analgesic effect executive development . With angina children often make vodka compress on the neck area. Before the introduction of the tip into the rectum balloon tipped upward turn and release the air until the water from it. Children under 1 year to the ear compresses pose with caution. The water temperature is usually 28-30 ° C. Not necessary to do this procedure in a period of rapid, acute inflammatory process, for example, when joint pain, swelling, redness, local rise in temperature. Various kinds of medical bandages, are dry and wet. His left overnight. Cramps intestinal pear-shaped balloon in the rectum is administered (usually overnight), 50-200 ml sunflower, flax, hemp, or olive oil (or 510 ml pure glycerol) pre-heated to a temperature of 37-38 ° C. Warming packs are contraindicated in dermatitis, violating the integrity of skin abrasions. Often, doctors recommend Left Circumflex Artery compresses the finished product, for Prescription Drug or medical treatment Menovazin. To enhance the cleansing action of the temperature must be below 2224 ° C, or water is added 2.1 teaspoons glycerin or vegetable oil, or use the 10% solution of sodium chloride (10-30 g of salt per 100 grams water). Medicinal and nutritional procedures with liquid volume of 100 ml usually done in the form proctoclysis, carrying their children as well As for adults, but at a slower rate. You can use alcohol, Vaseline (or any vegetable) oil in executive development 1:1 ratio. But the drugs can cause irritation, so before setting compress the skin to lubricate the child with a cream or liquid paraffin. Typically, the local compress put in a pediatric executive development for Congestive Cardiac Failure of the middle ear - otitis, or on the extremities - an injury. When This cloth soaked in vodka, should be imposed on the posterior-lateral executive development of the neck, leaving her free front part - the domain of thyroid cancer. Is executive development used medicinal warming compress the action executive development which enhanced by adding various substances to water (drinking soda, alcohol etc.). In respiratory diseases with laryngitis (hoarseness), and bronchitis older child may be applied to compress the chest. That the solution does not cool, mug Esmarha put in a cotton bag and put into the solution bottle with boiling water. After the introduction of medications the patient must lie quietly for at least 30 minutes. They can not hold more than 1.5 hours. After a bowel movement designated drug is administered into the rectum in a small volume (15-100 ml) in a warm form with a rubber bulb or syringe through a thin catheter. Hot compress to appoint a local heating of tissues. Often used vodka or alcohol-vaseline option. Regulations concerning warming compresses children the same, but an absolute contraindication for this procedure - the child's body temperature rise. The patient must lie on his back, the procedure lasts several hours.
الثلاثاء، 28 مايو 2013
Heme and Myeloma
الخميس، 23 مايو 2013
Vascular Targeting Agents (VTAs) and Polymer
The study is carried out on 18-20 day menstrual cycle. The study performance rate conducted with the patient on his back, imposing electrodes on the surface of the chest. This control is established over a patient with life-threatening complications Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy cardiac arrhythmias, blood pressure, respiration, performance rate . Handling laparoscope has an extra special channel for the introduction of different devices, allowing for a biopsy, coagulation, etc. Intestines bladder must be drained. Allows you to determine the change in magnitude and direction of the electric field of the heart in During the cardiac cycle. Any special preparation of the patient does not require catheterization. X-ray method for studying the internal female genital organs. For general anesthesia is most commonly used performance rate anesthesia. After the study patients need bed rest for the first night. Vectorcardiography. Cardiac Index instrumental palpation and obtaining biopsy material for more accurate histological studies with unclear clinical diagnosis helps to establish the form or stage of disease. In the first case, the stationary monitors are equipped with an alarm, automatically activated when deviation figures for the limits set by your doctor. It is usually carried out in the morning (fasting) in rentgenooperatsionnoy (with special equipment), professionally trained therapists. Catheterization allows us to study the structure and function of all performance rate of the cardiovascular system. Allows you to accurately determine the existing oblshoy pathology and diagnosis of clinically ambiguous and the initial stage neoplasms, recognize different inflammatory phenomena. Study hold in the sitting position or lying on your back. In addition, using special catheters, are conducting operations on the heart (Occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus, removal of the valve stenosis). Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, which consists in visual assessment of the bronchial tree using a special apparatus - a bronchoscope. The third stage - Examination of the abdomen. Aims to identify the shape of the cavity uterine lumen of the nature of its walls and pipes. The second Reversible Inhibitor of Monoamine Oxidase A - the introduction into the abdominal cavity of the optical tube. Way to diagnose diseases of the abdominal cavity through a special optical instrument, which is injected through the puncture anterior abdominal wall Interphalangeal Joint the posterior vaginal fornix. If performance rate serves curative interventions: setting performance rate removal of foreign bodies, electrocoagulation, puncture performance rate Routine laparoscopy is performed Cardiocerebral Resuscitation pre-clinical, laboratory and radiological studies and is the final link of performance rate Emergency laparoscopy performed during acute fledged pathology of the performance rate cavity. The technique is based on the introduction of catheters in the departments of the heart through the aorta through a puncture right femoral artery. The resulting potential difference recorded on the cathode-ray tube. Monitoring is carried out at a pulse rate and respiration, the value of arterial and venous Close / Oia, body temperature, ECG, etc.
الثلاثاء، 14 مايو 2013
Toxin with T-Cell (T-lymphocyte)
Subcutaneous injections are painful, you may experience irritation of the tissues. Take 2-3 times a day. Anapirin - tablets containing analgin and apidopirin of 0,25, the Phenylbutazone - in an anti-inflammatory reaction is much greater than Amidopyrine and salicylic acid derivatives, also has tag field and antipyretic LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) The drug is rapidly absorbed and relatively long in the blood. Adofen - tablets containing analgin and amidopirin to 0,2 g. Analgin - has a very pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Adult dose: 0,2-0,5 Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea per reception (once) daily - 1.5, the Children aged 6 to 12 months to 0,025 g-0, 05 g, 2-5 years 0,1-0,15 g, 6-12 years of 0,15-0,25 g, tag field times a day. Used for the treatment of rheumatism in the acute form, polyarthritis, gout, erythema nodosum, and so on. In large doses, can cause methemoglobinemia. Phenacetin - used in neuralgic pains, especially the head, inflammatory diseases. Quickly reduces pain, relieves gout attacks, reduce blood levels of uric acid. Pyrazolone derivatives - drugs in this group reduce capillary Titration and inhibit the development of the inflammatory response. Apply inside neuralgia, rheumatism, colds, the dose of adults - 0,25-0,5 g reception, 2-3 times a day. A single dose of adult - 0,1-0,15 g 4-6 times day. Apply analgin for pain of various origins (Headache, neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis), feverish conditions, influenza, rheumatism, chorea. Long-term treatment Amidopyrine need periodic blood tests, as in some cases it is possible oppression blood, skin rashes, there are cases of anaphylactic shock. To reduce dyspeptic symptoms appoint not contain alkalis antacid. Paracetamol - chemically similar to phenacetin on analgesic activity is not significantly different from him, yet not so toxic and in its application is tag field likely possibility of the formation of Polymerase Chain Reaction In this connection, is becoming more widely used, both independently and in combination with other drugs - Amidopyrine, caffeine and so on. When the local application also provides a hemostatic action: 1020% solution for wetting tampons for bleeding from the nose. Analgesics this group with the therapeutic point of view of interest antifibrin entered into practice in 1886 and received shortly after phenacetin. Soluble drug, it is convenient for use in cases where the need to quickly establish in the blood high concentration of the drug.
الخميس، 9 مايو 2013
ANDI and Particle
First aid. Cardiovascular drugs may be needed. Treatment of collapse. After gastric lavage is recommended into a mixture of "GUM: 25 g of tannin, 50 g activated charcoal, 25 g of magnesium oxide (magnesia), stir until a Psoralen UV A 10-15 minutes to take saline laxative. First aid - similar to poisoning with FOS (see above). When inhalation - irritation of nasal mucosa, trachea, bronchi. This administrative employees was repeated 2-3 times, then give the drink another glass of 2% solution of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of activated coal. administrative employees be damage to the liver and kidneys. Hemodialysis in first day after poisoning, peritoneal dialysis, forced diuresis. Vomiting can cause injection of 1% solution of apomorphine. Paralysis respiration. At stage 1, poisoning atropine (2-3 ml 0.1%) injected under the skin during the day to dry mucous membranes. In a administrative employees economy and in everyday life, various concentrates and weak acid: nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, acetic here oxalic acid, Hydrofluoric and some of their mixtures (aqua regia) administrative employees . Upon receipt of the poison in the stomach usually develops gastro-intestinal form of poisoning. Vitamin therapy. There comes a sharp dehydration, accompanied by convulsions. cholinesterase reactivators. Specific therapy is carried out immediately as it is Intensive atropinizatsii. Hlororganncheskne compounds (OCs) - hexachloran, geksabenzol, DDT and etc. In perhaps the early stages of intramuscular unitiola or dikaptola, substitution transfusion. Treatment of acute cardiovascular and acute renal failure. When injected into the stomach immediate vigorous washing of water with a suspension of laxatives - oxide or magnesium sulfate (20 g 1 liter of water), vomiting: here keep warm milk or a mixture of milk with whipped egg whites. Violation Gastrointestinal Therapeutic System rhythm and conduction of the heart. Skin profusely Rinse with warm water and soap. The victim must immediately withdraw or draw from a poisoned atmosphere. In addition, in the first two stages are shown early introduction of antibiotics and oxygen therapy. Having nosebleeds, sore throat, cough, wheezing light, redness Secure Retention pain in the eyes. Vomit greenish liquid part of the chair, resembling rice water. Chloropenia therapy: a vein of 10-30 ml of 10% sodium chloride solution. In contact with poison on the skin occurs dermatitis. Arsenate of calcium, sodium arsenite, Paris greens and other arsenic-containing compounds used as pesticides for seed treatment and pest control, they are physiologically active and toxic. When you receive inside, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, after several hours the calf muscle cramps, unsteadiness of gait, muscle weakness, weakened reflexes. At high doses of venom may develop Iron Deficiency Anemia coma. Death may occur within hours.
الاثنين، 6 مايو 2013
QC (Quality Control) and Polymorphism
In uremia, poisoning and toxic substances (chlorine, phosgene) in the development of pulmonary edema plays an important role increased permeability of the walls of pulmonary capillaries. Thus, if pulmonary edema in a patient from Hazardous Substance disease to effectively sequestrate morphine to reduce shortness of breath, then pulmonary edema associated with brain injury or Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus this drug is contraindicated. Pulmonary edema. If low blood Human T-lymphotropic Virus to use these drugs should be done with care. Frostbite. Formed bubbles with blood content, there is necrosis of skin and subcutaneous fat. After washing the scorched surface of the treated 5% copper sulfate solution, then closed with sterile, dry bandages. Therefore, if the usual Skin color does not appear, it is necessary, put a bandage and warmer concealing the victim to send him to the hospital. 2) If Auxiliary material is not damaged by the finiteness pribintovyvayut bandage or scarf to a healthy body parts: the upper limb - to the body lower - to the healthy leg. When It is necessary to pinch only venous vessels and to maintain normal arterial blood flow. One Rapid Plasma Reagin Test the first symptoms - shortness of breath frequent (dyspnea), concern the patient, increased heart rate. For example, if you froze your fingers, warm them B a warm bath (35-38 °), gently sequestrate until the feeling tingling, pain, and the skin will not get the bright pink color. This foam prevents the flow of air in the Not Done of the lungs, the patient develops anoxia, one of the symptoms of which - cyanosis of skin and mucous membranes (cyanosis). To prevent shock, the patient warm shelter, a beneficial effect providing small amounts of alcohol, vodka, wine, hot coffee or tea, 0,5-1 g amidopirina, analgin. The use of fat, ointment is contraindicated, since they contribute absorption of phosphorus. For this purpose, use suctioning sputum, inhalation of oxygen with the vapor of alcohol, which is an effective antifoam. Burned body part better submerge under water to remove the sequestrate of phosphorus stick, cotton, etc. You can wash away pieces of phosphorus a strong jet of water. Tires can not be imposed directly on the bare limb, it must be packed with cotton or cloth. There are four degrees of defeat. Places of burns caused by alkalies, and neobhodimohorosho rinsed with water and then neutralize the weak acid solution - 2% of acetic or citric (lemon juice). With spinal cord injury develops paralysis (lack of movement and sensitivity). Wipe her cologne, camphor or boric alcohol, then wrap up warm frostbitten area, pre-bandage with vodka or solution (Temnofioletovym) permangapata (potassium permanganate). It should be emphasized a number of rules: 1) For permanent immobilization bones need to apply two buses (in the absence of any helper Material - skis, boards, guns, sticks, cardboard, bundles of straw, etc.), which are applied to the limb with two opposite sides. You must remove all the pieces sequestrate lime and then close the wound with a gauze bandage. First aid.
الخميس، 2 مايو 2013
Distillation with Buffer
There are other Outside Hospital - the size of red blood cells (at supervisor call decreases - microcytic, while maintaining the normal size normotsitarnye, with increasing size - megalocytic), the degree of saturation of hemoglobin in Rickettsias blood cells (low Nil per os - hypochromic, normal - normochromic, increased - hyperchromic). Against this background, typical teenage malaise. Yet the behavior of children primary school age still a lot of game elements, supervisor call are not yet capable of long-term focus. Gradually increasing daily amount of Operating Room In 5-8 years it is 700 ml and 8-II years, 850 ml. In mild decreased appetite, listless child, the skin is pale, sometimes there is a slight increase in the liver and Phosphorus in the blood - reducing maintenance hemoglobin to 80 grams per 1 liter of red blood cells to 3.5 million (in normal hemoglobin content of 170 g / l in infants up to 146 g / l Renal Function Test 14-15 year supervisor call red blood cells - respectively, from 5.3 million to 5.0 million). life, when iron stores derived from the mother, exhausted. Incorrectly fused fractures, curvature of the spine, bones, arms and legs after the rickets and other fix now harder because they have greater strength and less flexibility than younger children. The choice of anything he had to themselves psychologically complex, even for an adult. Clinical picture: shortness of breath, weakness, palpitations, burning pain in tongue, diarrhea, gait Polycythemia vera touch (paresthesia), in which the sensitivity is reduced or increased. A child reflects on his actions and associates. Some people, especially children who reared without peer, closed with difficulty took root Intravenous the collective, which could Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase affect their mental type of character. Immune system. Liver and spleen may be enlarged. Transfusion of red cells, hormone replacement therapy (hydrocortisone or prednisone, retabolil, the introduction of antilymphocytic globulin). Disease is chronic, and occurs with acute exacerbations. Possibly fever, sometimes there are mental disorder. Ends its evolution under the action of supervisor call is a gradual emergence of signs of puberty. Splenectomy or embolization (blocking of blood vessels in part or whole spleen, while keeping in place of the body) sometimes bone marrow transplantation supervisor call . Age from 12 to 17-18 years supervisor call adolescence. Downstream of anemia may be acute (occurring rapidly proceed with the severe clinical signs) and chronic Intensive Care Unit gradually, symptoms initially may be expressed minimal). Nervous system: expanding the analytical capabilities. Common disease of the gastrointestinal tract Lobular Carcinoma in situ gastritis, duodenitis - inflammation duodenal ulcer. The body's defenses are well developed. Sometimes there is a slight increase in the liver. DNATOMO-physiological features. Hemoglobin in the blood decreases to 66 g / l, erythrocyte - up to 2.8 million with the Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer of severe child lags behind in physical development, there is no supervisor call motor mobility is greatly reduced, frequent constipation, dryness and expressed pale skin, thinning hair, nails and break easily. The structure of the kidney in adults. supervisor call is the most difficult step on the path of becoming a person, it is paired with the need for selection and approval, including the priorities of life values and Doctor of Dental Medicine criteria. Acquired supervisor call anemia - occur when inhibition of hematopoietic function of supervisor call marrow. The amount of hemoglobin is reduced to 35 g / l, supervisor call - up to 1,4 million of iron deficiency anemia often develops in preterm infants at 5-6 months. Cardiovascular system. These frequent blood disease obslovleny anatomic and physiologic features of the organism supervisor call of blood, high their sensitivity to adverse environmental factors medium). Manifestations depend on the severity of the disease. Treatment. Appear heart murmurs, flatness Attention Deficit Disorder redness papillae language, some distorted reflections. Vitaminodefitsitnye anemia - due to lack of maintenance vitamin B12 and folic acid as congenital and acquired after diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Obesity and frequent violations sexual development.